Judge Minty, the Judge Dredd fan film.

Judge Minty Edmund Dehn
Judge Dredd Greg Staples
Director Steven Sterlacchini
Director of Photography and Digital Imagery Stephen Green
Prop and Costume Creator Daniel Carey-George of Custom Creations
Storyboards & Concepts Barry Renshaw
Written By Steven Sterlacchini & Michael Carroll, based on the work of John Wagner

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Glasgow Film Festival

We are proud to announce the Judge Minty will be screening at the Glasgow Film Festival.

Tuesday the 19th of February at 18:30


It will be followed by a discussion regards making a fan film. The programme says 'led by Steven Sterlacchini', but anyone who has seen my attempts at public speaking will be relieved, that I will only be a part of the discussion, not leading it. Hopefully another member of Team Minty might be able to make it as well.

I've had a quick look through the rest of the programme and there are some amazing films being shown, so we are honoured that they have found a place for us. During the festival Dredd is also being screened and a discussion with John Wagner and Colin MacNeil!

As always, thanks to Rebellion for giving permission for this public screening.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Belfast Heroes & Legends

We are happy to announce that Judge Minty will be screening at Heroes & Legends, Belfast, 16th and 17th of February.


Thanks to Martin for arranging the screening and as always thanks to Rebellion for giving their permission.

Judge Minty is a NOT FOR PROFIT fan film, shown with the kind permission of 2000 AD and Rebellion Judge Dredd® is a registered trademark, © Rebellion A/S®, All rights reserved. Judge Dredd is the Creation of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.