Judge Minty, the Judge Dredd fan film.

Judge Minty Edmund Dehn
Judge Dredd Greg Staples
Director Steven Sterlacchini
Director of Photography and Digital Imagery Stephen Green
Prop and Costume Creator Daniel Carey-George of Custom Creations
Storyboards & Concepts Barry Renshaw
Written By Steven Sterlacchini & Michael Carroll, based on the work of John Wagner

Monday 23 December 2013

Friday 22 November 2013

Some nice comments

Since it's release, we've received some lovely comments about 'Judge Minty'. With permission, we've collected a few into this image, if only to show some of the people who gave their time to the project, and may not be aware them.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Judge Minty wins at the Wasteland Film Festival

I didn't post this on this blog when it first happened, despite being super cool news, because I wanted to focus on the two recent screenings until they were over.

Judge Minty has won both, 'Best Action Film' and the 'Audience Award' at the Wasteland Film Festival, which is part of Wasteland Weekend.

It's always great whenever an event selects Minty for screening, but to win something is amazing. Especially at such a stunning event as Wasteland Weekend.

"Join over a thousand fans coming from all over the the United States (and beyond) to gather in the Southern California desert for a four-day post-apocalyptic party.  Set up camp at our wasteland compound, surrounded by specially-built sets.  Costumes are required and post-apocalyptic campsites and vehicles are encouraged.  Live for four days in a world pulled straight out of the Mad Max movies, beyond the grip of so-called civilisation. Top DJs and bands from all over will provide the soundtrack, fire dancers and bonfires will light up the night, and modified vehicles will shake the earth with their engines."

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Judge Minty at The Lakes Comic Art Festival

We already posted about this on Facebook and Twitter when it was first announced, so this is just a reminder.

Judge Minty will be screening at the The Lakes International Comic Art Festival on Saturday the 19th of October at 5.30pm.

It will be screen as part of a double bill with the brilliant official film 'Dredd', which will have Judge Dredd co-creators, John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra in attendance! John Wagner will also be introducing Judge Minty.

Steven Sterlacchini, Steve Green and a number of other team members will also be at the event.


Official Programme

Judge Minty is a NOT FOR PROFIT fan film, shown with the kind permission of 2000AD and Rebellion. Judge Dredd® is a registered trademark, © Rebellion A/S®, All rights reserved.
Judge Dredd is the Creation of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

Monday 7 October 2013

Judge Minty Screening, 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe

Judgement is due at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire between 12 October until 7 December 2013.

An exhibition of art work relating to the British comic book character Judge Dredd opens on Saturday 12 October with a special day and evening of celebration.

The Big Quiz is a FREE after-hours event and will run from 7pm until 11pm on 12 October. 


  • Cinema screen showing of the short fan film Judge Minty introduced by the director Steven Sterlacchini
  • A special Masterbrain quiz hosted by Magnus Magnanimus featuring experts in their chosen subjects of 2000AD, Doctor Who and Star Wars 
  • A general sci-fi, movie and comics quiz featuring great prizes including your very own custom Judge Badge from http://www.planetreplicas.com/
  • Megacity music from the Interplanetary Division Cosplay DJ’s 
  • A chance to enjoy the exhibition at night and a licenced bar

Book here through Eventbrite for the Big Quiz event.

The exhibition itself, called simply Judge Dredd, features a gallery of original artwork mostly from the pages of 2000AD and Judge Dredd the Megazine between the 1970s and the 2000’s. The work has been loaned from collectors and the artists/creators themselves. The second half of the exhibition presents the work of illustrators, photographers, painters, prop sculptors and film makers who grew up with the character.

You can also join us earlier on the opening day to take part in the national Big Draw campaign’s theme of Draw Tomorrow. 

Expect free drop-in creative activities for all ages covering themes of future cities, future humans and future stories. Visitors can work alongside artists to create a giant Judge Dredd sculpture and use their imagination to craft what tomorrow might look like. 

Creative events run from 10am until 4pm. Entry to the exhibition and Big Draw activities are free of charge. Under 8s must be accompanied by a participating adult.

Judge Minty is a NOT FOR PROFIT fan film, shown with the kind permission of 2000AD and Rebellion. Judge Dredd® is a registered trademark, © Rebellion A/S®, All rights reserved.
Judge Dredd is the Creation of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

Image: Detail of Judge Court by David Hancock www.david-hancock.com

Monday 5 August 2013

Judge Minty Screening and Q&A at Nine Worlds Geekfest!

We are extremely proud to announce that Judge Minty will be screened as part of this year Nine Worlds Geekfest!!!

Link to Nine Worlds page

Afterwards the director of photography and digital imagery, Stephen Green, will be taking part in a ‘Fan Film & Low Budget Film Making Panel’ where he will give insight into how he made the film, tips on how to make your own, and discuss Fan Film culture in general. It should be a great panel.

Judge Minty is a NOT FOR PROFIT fan film, shown with the kind permission of 2000 AD and Rebellion Judge Dredd® is a registered trademark, © Rebellion A/S®, All rights reserved. Judge Dredd is the Creation of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

As always, thanks to Rebellion for giving permission for this public screening.

Monday 6 May 2013

Judge Minty Online!

We are very happy to finally announce that our fan film, Judge Minty, is now online and available to view for free via youtube. I've embedded the movie below, or you can click the link to view on youtube.


The making of this film has been VERY much a team effort and on behalf of 'the producers' of Judge Minty I would like to thank all the people that gave their time to contribute to this project. We have been extremely lucky to have received a huge amount of support from both fellow Dredd fans and also professional film makers, who have given their time, expertise and advice for free.

I would like to give a special mention to Steve Green, who both shot the film and produced the digital effects, meaning he has spent more time working on the project than any other person. Also Daniel Carey-George, whose props and costumes not only provided the initial inspiration for the project, but also helped to create 'a reality' for the story.

And of course Edmund Dehn, for taking a chance on our little fan film, helping us bring Minty to life and also providing the heart of the film.

At a later date, I am hoping to go in to more detail with a proper 'Thank You' post about the great work individual people contributed, but I wanted to keep this post relatively short, and there are so many people to thank.

We would also like to give special thanks to the owners of Judge Dredd and 2000 AD, Rebellion who have allowed us to 'play with their toys' and especially for their consent for the public screenings at festivals and conventions.

Judge Minty is a NOT FOR PROFIT fan film, shown with the kind permission of 2000 AD and Rebellion Judge Dredd® is a registered trademark, © Rebellion A/S®, All rights reserved. Judge Dredd is the Creation of John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.