Judge Minty, the Judge Dredd fan film.

Judge Minty Edmund Dehn
Judge Dredd Greg Staples
Director Steven Sterlacchini
Director of Photography and Digital Imagery Stephen Green
Prop and Costume Creator Daniel Carey-George of Custom Creations
Storyboards & Concepts Barry Renshaw
Written By Steven Sterlacchini & Michael Carroll, based on the work of John Wagner

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Birmingham International Comics Show 2009

Just a quick post to say that Team Minty will be attending BICS this year. Not in any official capacity, but we will hopefully be bringing a couple of Judges along, with the help of the Galactic Knights costume group.

It should be a good opportunity for some nice pictures and perhaps discuss the Minty project with fellow fans. If you see us feel free to stop us for a chat. We should be hanging around the Judges.